Legal Cell
4.1.b(i) |
1. Particular of legal cell: Room No. 125, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Admn. Block-C, CDLU, Sirsa 2. Functions of legal cell: Court cases, Legal Advice and Legal Matter of the University. 3. Duties of Legal Cell. To look after the court cases, tender legal advice and examine the legal matter under the kind control, directions and supervision of the Vice-chancellor and the Registrar as per the university Act, Statute, Ordinance, Accounts Code, Executive Council decisions, University Calendars, rules, regulations and the instructions/directions/rules of Govt. followed by university and more specific law of the land relating to a matter. 4. Duties assigned to every employee in the legal cell:
Branch Head and to Supervise the branch, employees and functions.
Legal Assistant is regular employee in the legal cell and he has been assigned the duties of below detail Section/Set-III. The work of Section/Set-I & Section/Set- II has been assigned to the Assistant HKRN and for proper and effective maintenance/functioning, the Supervising of Section/Set –I & II as well as the other work not assigned to any one is also assigned to the Legal Assistant.
Beside this, Specific works i.e. directed by the authority. At present, the Law Officer is also working as Nodal Officer for the legal matter, E-diary, P.M. Window, Nodal Officer for CM’s window, SMGT Grievances Cell and Legal Assistant as Nodal Officer for VC Window, assisting in dealing work of PM/CM Window, SMGT Portal. |
4.1.b(ii) |
Power and duties of Officer and employees: 1. Law Officer: Being Branch Head, controls and supervise the legal cell, Court cases, Legal matter, employees and functions and issue necessary directions to the office employees for functioning of the office. Moreover, Being Branch Head, the Law Officer have to report the requirements to the higher authorities, make correspondence of the office and make recommendation regarding the assigned work, besides the additional duties/charge/work assigned. 2. Legal Assistant, Assistant HKRN:
According to university adopted process, Legal Assistant/Assistant HKRN has to put-up the court case files, notices, orders with facts for the decision and orders of Branch Head or University authorities as the case may be. Similarly, the Legal Assistant has to examine the legal matter and advice matter referred and submit the same for final consideration of Branch Head or University authorities as the case may be. The Legal Assistant has also to look after the other office work as well as supervise the other subordinate staff alongwith their work and report to the branch head as per requirements beside the additional duties/charges/work assigned. |
4.1.b (iii) |
1. Decision making process: After receiving a notice/orders/letter/paper, first of all, the Clerk diary it in the relevant Dak Receipt Register and submit the same to the Branch Head. Branch Head in turn mark it to the Legal Assistant/Assistant HKRN for examination. The Legal Assistant/Assistant HKRN after collecting the relevant record from the Clerk, put up the same alongwith office facts and rules to the Branch Head through Law Officer for consideration. The Branch Head send the file to the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, concerned office etc for decision/orders/action. The decision/orders/action, if any is taken by the competent authority/concerned office and in turn, the paper/file down marked in the same heirchy from V.C/Registrar/concerned office to Branch Head, Law Officer, Legal Assistant/Assistant HKRN and according to decision/orders/requirement, necessary intimation/action is taken by the Legal Cell at the Branch level.
2. Channel of Supervision
Directions=Vice Chancellor Registrar Law Officer Legal Assistant Assistant HKRN/Clerk/Steno
Sanctions=Steno/Clerk/Assistant HKRN. Legal Assistant Law Officer Registrar Vice Chancellor.
3. Accountability: According to the Chanel of Supervision and decision making process, each and every officer/Official is accountable for his/her job and duties.
4.1.b (iv) |
Norms for discharging functions: The office discharge its duties and function on the subject matter detailed in point no. 3, under the kind control, direction and Supervision of the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar as per the provisions of University Act, University Calendar, Accounts Code, The Executive Council decisions and other rules/law as applicable. |
4.1.b (v) |
1. Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals used for discharging functions: The university Act, Statute, Ordinance, Accounts Code, The Executive Council decisions, University Calendars, rules, regulations, orders, approvals of competent authority i.e. the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar etc. and the instructions/directions/rules of Govt. followed by university and more specific law of the land relating to the matter.
2. Record held by Legal Cell A. Court Cases(Notice/Orders of Court, facts supplied by concerned office, reply filed by university and the noting papers for engaging Advocates and court orders and processing of reply for approval and payment of fee only) B. Empanelment of Advocates w.e.f. 28.04.2012 C. Legal Fee fixation w.e.f. 29.11.2013 D. Fee payment to the counsels for court cases E. Litigation Policy F. Casual Leave Record of office employee except Branch Head. G. Diary and Dispatch of the office H. Suit Register I. Record regarding office furniture, items |
4.1.b (vi) |
Following records have been retained by the office in Manual form.
A. Court Cases(Notice/Orders of Court, facts supplied by concerned office, reply filed by university and the noting papers for engaging Advocates and court orders and processing of reply for approval and payment of fee only) B. Empanelment of Advocates w.e.f. 28.04.2012 C. Legal Fee fixation w.e.f. 29.11.2013 D. Fee payment to the counsels for court cases E. Litigation Policy F. Casual Leave Record of office employee except Branch Head. G. Diary and Dispatch of the office H. Suit Register I. Record regarding office furniture, items
4.1.b (vii) |
Arrangements for consultation with or representation by the member of public in relation to formulation of policy or implementation thereof. As the Legal Cell is defending the cases for and on behalf of the University on the basis of the facts and documents provided by the concerned office as well as the advice/legal examination is also carried out by the office on the basis of the facts and record of the concerned office regarding a matter, thus no policy decision is taken by the office nor any public opinion/consultation is provided. However, for smooth and effective working, the suggestions of the public are highly welcomed.
4.1.b (viii)
Board, Councils, Committee and other Bodies consisting of two or more person as the part or for the purpose of advice and whether meetings of these bodies are open to the public or accessible for public. 1. A High Powered University Litigation Policy Implementation Committee under Haryana State Litigation Policy 2010 is working through the Legal Cell having following constitution. 1. Dean Faulty of Law - Convener 2. Prof. Vishnu Bhagwan, Deptt. of Public Admn. - Member 3. Dr. M. Kasif Kidwai, Deptt. of EES - Member 4. Assistant Registrar (conduct Branch) - Member 5. Law Officer - Member Secretary 2. A Departmental Purchase Committee for purchasing the emergent petty items is also constituted as follow: 1. Law Officer - Convener 2. SAO/AO - Member Secretary 3. Supdt./Dy. Supdt. Gen. Br.- Member Note: As the above committees look after the internal matters of the University and so, no direct involvement is there of the public. However, the valuable suggestions always welcomed. |
(ix) 4.1.b |
Officer/Employee in the Legal Cell 1. Sh. Baljit Kumar Sharma, Law Officer 01666-248019 2. Sh. Madan Singh Legal Assistant -do-
Work in the Legal Cell at Room No. 125, Lal Bahadur Shastri Administrative Block, part-C of the university and available in the office for all working days from 09:00 A.M to 05:00 P.M except lunch break from 1:30 P.M to 02:00 P.M, outside official work and court duties, additional assignments as attending meetings, court proceeding etc. |
(x) 4.1.b |
Monthly Remuneration of Legal cell employees:
Sr.N. Name of employee Designation Pay Scale of remuneration 1. Sh. Baljit Kumar Sharma, Law officer 80200, L-9 2.Sh. Madan Singh Legal Assistant 56900, L-6 + 60 SP Rules and Regulations: The pay scale are prescribed as per duly adopted and approved University Pay & Pension Rules on the basis of State Govt. Rules. |
(xi) |
Income and expenditure, Budget etc. No separate budget has been allocated for the office and the expenditure as well as counsel fee etc. are being paid from the university main budget under head Legal Expenses. |
(xii) |
Subsidy, concession, Rebait or facility provided of the benefits of the students etc. As the Legal cell is dealing with the court cases and legal matter of the university on the basis of the facts and the record of the concerned offices of the university. So, the office has no direct dealing with the student or public and therefore, the information on this point is NIL. |
(xiii) |
Particulars of recipients of relief or concession permitted. As the Legal cell is dealing with the court cases and legal matter of the university on the basis of the facts and the record of the concerned offices of the university. So, the office has no direct dealing with the student or public and therefore, the information on this point is NIL.
(xiv) |
The detail of information, available to or held by the Legal Cell in an Electronic Forum The office is maintaining the record in manual forum and no facility of electronic record is in the legal cell. Moreover, the Legal cell is dealing with the court cases and legal matter of the university on the basis of the facts and the record of the concerned offices of the university as provided in non-electronic mode. |
(xv) |
Facilities to the citizens for obtaining information. According to rules of the university, the information of the office can be obtained by a citizen through RTI Act as well as the office is providing information as per the orders of the university authorities. So far as, the fee and forum are concerned, the fee under the RTI Act, is obtained as per RTI Act and for general as per orders/decision of the authorities. Further, the citizen can inspect the record under the provision of the RTI Act or with prior permission of the university authorities. Moreover, the information can be obtained in hard copy on any working day during working hours i.e. 09 a.m. to 05 p.m. The application for information and inspection can be moved to the State Public Information Officer of the university under the RTI Act or to the university authorities.
(xvi) |
Other information. 1. Address of the State Public Information Officer, First Appellate Authority and Second Appellate Authority under RTI Act for the office are as follow:
(a) State Public Information Officer, Room No. 216, Second Floor, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Admn. Block, CDLU, Sirsa
(b) First Appellate Authority, O/o Dean, Faculty of Law, Ambedkar Bhawan, CDLU, Sirsa
(c) The State Information Commission, Haryana, S.C.O No. 113-114, Sector -8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.
2. Administrative Officers for the office.
(a) The Registrar, Registrar office, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Admn. Block, CDLU, Sirsa
3. Website of the university for the office. |